Repayment of the principal together with interest will start from the seventh month after the respective dates of the initial drawing of portion a and portion b over a maximum of 24 monthly instalments on a reducing balance basis 而由提取甲部分或乙部分贷款的第七个月开始,申请人须以扣减馀额的方式偿还该部份的本金及利息,最长可分24期按月摊还。
Applicants are required to pay interest monthly in arrears in the first six months . repayment of the principal together with interest will start from the seventh month after the respective dates of the initial drawing of portion a and portion b over a maximum of 24 monthly instalments on a reducing balance basis 在首六个月,申请人只须于月底缴付利息。而由提取甲部分或乙部分贷款的第七个月开始,申请人须以扣减馀额的方式偿还该部份的本金及利息,最长可分24期按月摊还。